A recent paper research by Tino Moritz and Ralf Britz - Revision of the extant Polypteridae . In the paper it was concluded by this 2 dude that the P. Lapradei and P.Bichir Bichir is no longer a valid subspecies or a species of its own. They're merged all into just P. Bichir. "Based on analysis of our data we synonymise P. lapradei and P. bichir katangae with P. bichir and only recognize a single species, however, with geographical variation in meristic counts. The cause of the sometimes striking differences in coloration remains unclear." This is a big blow for the fish hobbyist especially for those trophies collectors. And I guess it will be chaotic for new comers as anybody can sell PBL with 7 marking as PBBs. Apart from this it is actually a sad news, what have they done? Science is always about moving forward, but this 2 buggers just took everything backwards and lets breakdown the publish paper and see how they had derived to this mad conclusion. "Mater...
Fishiology - is a nonscientific study of fish, a branch of Aquarist