I was really curious of how nature solved the ammonium spike, I've tried my best to duplicate swamp water with the extreme low PH and had ran into a snag. Ammonium spike! So again I've asked my collector for help to test the Terengganu swamp water for NH, NO2 and NO3. Shallow Area Deep Area Ammonium 1mg/1 0.5mg/l Nitrite 0mg/l 0mg/l Nitrate 0mg/l 10mg/l Shallow Test Deep area NO3 Deep area NO2 Deep Area NH3/4 Now this is interesting, I was expecting plans and trees would have absorb all the ammonium knowing that bacteria could not have survived in such harsh conditions but the reading is there, Ammonium is present in natural swamp water. Perhaps its the amount of decaying plant matter under water and the stagnant water that causes the ammonium spike.
Fishiology - is a nonscientific study of fish, a branch of Aquarist