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Showing posts with the label Variant Terengganu

Blurring the line of the variant Terengganu

As per my request to my collector for more samples of Terengganu Marulioides I'm glad he took the task seriously and after our expedition he had ventured into more areas to get more samples of the Terengganu Marulioides. As shown previously of the river marulioides collected 50km south of the variant Terengganu habitat Last weekend he went the other way 100km southeast of the variant Terengganu habitat and returned with the below samples. Now these really blurs the line of the variant Terengganu. As from the above image, the scale flowers has some adjoining type on the black spotting, the finnage is typical Var. Terengganu, but they have lesser band. At the variant Terengganu site I have not seen a single piece with 4 bands, the lease of them are 5 wide bands. Where else the river type has shorter and lesser bands but still clearly chevron pattern bands. Typical of river marulioides or open water marulioides they have less flower naturally. Lets hope ...