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The formation of flowers from beginning

From these images you can clearly see the formation of flowers. The fish is only 3.5 inches. The shimmer that I've mentioned from previous post can be more clearly understood from these images. Fish was subjected to 2 weeks tanning with breaks in between. Tanning helps in speeding up the formations of flowers. We can also understand tat swamp fishes usually attain stronger flower gene as compared to open water fish.  Quite a number of people had asked me what is the shimmer. The above image was taken 2 weeks ago. Take note of the flowers from the below image and compare the same location and you'll get the idea.  2 weeks later today, the flower had form.  I'm satisfied that I've finally manage to document how the shimmer turned into flower.  So when buying young marulioides always be on the look out for that shimmer. 

Terengganu Tanning experiment update White Tank

Terengganu Tanning experiment update Black Tank

PH5. 5 TDS 110 T5 HO 12k T5 LO  Sand RIO Amazon 

Ballad of Lapradei

They have developed excellent buoyancy control. The water is mimic of Lake Turkana with salinity of 8ppt which is half of LT salinity. PH8.5 while LT PH is 9. Had tried going till 11ppt but 1 of the lap had bulging eyes so I had to drop the salinity.

Terengganu Tanning experiment update

Black tank Intermediate tank White tank White Tank