This is the very beginning of flower formation, notice the shimmer in the scale usually around the the band. I've chosen to show this pic because it is quite obvious and it is easier for you guys to take note and observed. Usually it is not this obvious. Now to share a little secrets on how to choose a champion fish, notice this fish has 6 bands, and the shimmer reaches the 6th band counting from tail to head. So this will be a very potential fish with flowers growing in the whole length of the fish. 2nd rule is the height of the flowers, it is growing at the full height of the band and this will reflect a very big portion of the fish having flowers, length plus height. When you spot this at the lfs, dont think, dont blink, straight pack the fish as you've got a winner. Another thing I need you all to understand is what I'm saying here is a fast bloomer like this particular fish. There are of coz slow bloomer which does not rule out the rest of the pack o...