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Showing posts from October, 2020

What is the ideal PH for Channa Marulioides?

PH reading of the Black waters of the Marulioides Trengganu Variant swamp I came across a post discussing this topic today, or rather a group of hobbyist bragging that PH is not important when keeping Marulioides. So lets discuss on this matter shall we. Keeping your fish alive and keeping your fish to its optimum level is 2 different thing entirely. A true fish lover will research the species they intend to keep and respect the fundamental rules that nature had designed and its intention. The responsibility of an aquarist is to inherent the rules that was set on. A task he takes seriously before even deciding to placed the fish under his care.  Marulioides thrived on tropical swamp wetland. And tropical swamp waters are known as Blackwaters. Blackwaters are low in PH, low in dissolved oxygen, high in carbon dioxide. These are the characters of Blackwater.  Although there isn't any international fish police that had created any laws that says marulioides cannot be kept in PH7 ...