Kelakai re-experiment with : 14" kalimantan PH6 5" Terengganu PH5 The focus of this experiment is to gather data if kelakai will help to color up the fish and how far it can work. My previous experiment with the smaller Kalimantan had orangy tint on the scale below the lateral line. Both this fish as you can see do not have any orangy tint, we shall see if the previous experiment was the effect of the Kelakai or its just the original trait of the Kalimantan. We will also add in the Terengganu, given that it is still a bit too young to color up but what the heck since I've too many Terengganus to experiment with. Day 1 Day 1
Fishiology - is a nonscientific study of fish, a branch of Aquarist