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What happen when you keep Marulioides wrongly

Puteri 2 Puteri 4 The tail biting has stopped in community tank This couple of months I was really busy and had over stocked myself with so many fishes that unfortunately I had terribly neglected them. Puteri 4 developed tail biting and I had to put her into the community tank to stopped the tail biting. Well it worked but with a terrible price. My fish room licence was revoked I've to shrink down my tank so I dumped in Puteri 2 into the community tank as well. In this experiment you can see how when Marulioides is kept in the wrong environment they lose their flowers. With over a year of work with this 2 fishes that I've saved for myself but due to work and the lack of tank I was force to kept them in the community tank and the price is they both lose all their flowers, well almost all. Puteri 2 maintained the orangy tint from the kelakai experiment but puteri 4 lost the orangy tint. I'll try to hang on to this 2 fish as I know genetically the

Osphronemus Septemfasciatus cheek line formation

Giant Borneo Gourami formation of the cheek line, its interesting to see and record the formation of the cheek line and hopefully I can manage to do so for the entire headshape changes.

Tail biting update

 Tail biting when in single tank 2 weeks later in comm tank tail biting stopped.  He was in a comm tank for 2 weeks plus and tail biting finally stopped. I suspect it stopped earlier but fins were tattered and torn from fighting against each others. But with a heavy price to pay, flowers had dropped tremendously as I now needed to feed them daily to avoid fightings. Will try to hold on to them a little longer as I will now try to get the flowers in a comm tank. This 2 has the most flowers amongst all and we'll see how bad they do in these environment.

Chinese Giant Salamander

The chinese giant salamander (Andrias davidianus) was on my wish list for sometime, a true relic dinosaur of the passed. The oldest recorded specimen from China is tot to be nearly 200 years old and around 1.5 meters in length. The wild Giant Chinese Salamander will soon join the extinct rank but luckily farmed giant salamander is available by the millions. The local name is wawayu meaning wawa fish, they are able to emit a cry like that of a human baby hence derived the name wawa fish. They are of the cold water amphibian and usually will not survive in the tropic according to many research that I've done. Eating ceased at 28ºc. But they said the same with russian sturgeon as well and I grew mine from 7" to a healthy eating swimming specimen of 18". I've finally acquired a Chinese Giant Salamander around 11" in length, it is a commercial bred for food specimen. It looked quite thin probably due to shipment stress. I'm keeping her in

Red Kelakai and Dissolved Organic Carbon update

This is the update of the red Kelakai and DOC treatment, the color is very orangy for a Terengganu of this size. This is also the 2nd Marulioides that I've tried with Red Kelakai treatment and yes they do bring out the color of the fish. The previous Kalimantan also display obvious orange patches on its side just as this piece.  I think it can be safely concluded that Red Kelakai will bring out the color of the Marulioides from this 2 experiment. Red Kelakai and DOC Previous Kalimantan orangy patch with Red Kelakai treatment

Tail biter

This is a behavior you don't often get to see, mainly because this means the fish is devalue and most people will choose to keep quiet about it. Out of maybe a 1,000 fishes you will find one tail biter, as its name suggest they attack their own tail. As to why exactly they do this is unsure and this crazies is not restrict to Channa Marulioides alone as Arowanas behaves the same sometimes. Some will say they are lonely or hungry, but as you all know I was left with 4 Terengganus and 4 of them is kept in identical environment, single tank fed the same food kept in the same PH and lightings. From my many years in keeping Channa Marulioides this is the 2nd pc tail biter that I've actually encountered. I've swapped the fish tank with another Terengganu as I was wondering if the tank reflection is causing the self inflicting wounds but the fish that took its place behaves normal and this fish continue to attack its own tail. I've also tried raising the PH to

PSB vs BB question

Recently I've suddenly received a lot of this same question regarding: can I put PSB and also BB together? or I've bought PSB do I still need BB? First of all you shouldn't be using PSB or BB product but given us asians we love maximizing our tank and tends to overload it. If you're lazy to read all the technical stuff just scroll down to conclusion ok now Lets break down everything and I'll explain them thoroughly. BB stands for beneficial bacteria, meaning any bacteria that are involved in the nitrogen cycle will be classified under beneficial bacteria. Nitrogen cycle Nitrification - Aerobic - Oxygen environment : Ammonium (NH4) convert to Nitrite (NO2) and finally nitrate (NO3). This is phase 1 of the nitrogen cycle done by the usual nitro bacteria. This will be the typical phase achievable by the common aquarium, the remaining NO3 will be removed by water change or by plant. Energy involved oxygen. Denitrification - Anaerobic - very low to zer