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DIY Brian Shrimp hatchery

Today I'll share an improved design of DIY Brian Shrimp Hatchery I've designed. 20 years ago I was hatching BBS for a whole year when I was breeding discus and based on the old design this is the improved version. The improved version I use a 3 way adapter and a base bottom with 2 holes. This way it is more sturdy and less chance of leaking. Even if it leaks you have a bottom bottle to contain the salt water and wont spilled all over. Drill a hole at the cover Silicone Glue a 3 way adapter, 1 is for aerator and another for harvesting bbs One for aerator another for harvesting Drill 2 holes to make base stand Cover the bottle and bbs will be concentrated at the bottom.  Bbs at the bottom where there are light Straighten the bottle before harvesting and unhatched eggs will get stuck on top of the bottle Tilt the bottle like this and less eggs will be stuck on the bottle above water Tiger enjoying bbs