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Showing posts from November, 2020

Corona 1 week update


Instant PH down

  Testing this new filtration that can instantly lower tap water from  PH7 to PH3.6. This will be very useful when keeping maru at PH4, I can now do daily water change without affecting my PH.  Water change has always been the contradicting factor, we cant keep NO3, NH4 and PH down at the same time.


  This is a recent acquired Terengganu Variant, tragically my 2 ganu died, entirely my fault when transferring tank, ok not in the mood to talked about them, 2 years wasted for a real flower. Anyway as a complimentary mood enhancer, I got myself an 11 inch substitute , very potential pc but doesnt look like a real flower but rather snakeskin type I think. Not entirely sure, but we'll see how it progress.