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Showing posts with the label channa marulioides

The beginning of flowers, this is how you choose a champion fish

This is the very beginning of flower formation, notice the shimmer in the scale usually around the  the band. I've chosen to show this pic because it is quite obvious and it is easier for you guys to take note and observed. Usually it is not this obvious. Now to share a little secrets on how to choose a champion fish, notice this fish has 6 bands, and the shimmer reaches the 6th band counting from tail to head. So this will be a very potential fish with flowers growing in the whole length of the fish.  2nd rule is the height of the flowers, it is growing at the full height of the band and this will reflect a very big portion of the fish having flowers, length plus height. When you spot this at the lfs, dont think, dont blink, straight pack the fish as you've got a winner. Another thing I need you all to understand is what I'm saying here is a fast bloomer like this particular fish. There are of coz slow bloomer which does not rule out the rest of the pack o

Tanning experiment on Terengganu 2nd day

I will try to document the earliest formation of the flowers. We can witness how flowers formed, and that is if i can really push them to bloom. So we shall see if this works. Take note of the shimmer or white patches, those are the beginning of the scales changing. Today is the 2nd day of tanning and we can see the flowers begins to form. Its quite tedious to balance the amount of light against so many tails. One fish is easier to control as you can tailor the hours to just 1 fish as all of them respond differently.

Tanning experiment on Terengganu begins

I've started the tanning experiment on local marulioides, it is a little bit early as the ocell has not fully formed yet. What I'm hoping to achieved here is to see if the tanning starts at this tender age when the color changing ability has not taken place, will the scales be more easily manipulated? Will they shut off the color changing ability and just gets burned off when they are weak. Some of the marulioides had hints of flowers forming at this young age, and I think it is very possible to began the tanning experiment on them. But I've to tread with care as young flowers are easily destroyed if not properly cared. I've selected 7 tails for this experiment those that are showing less early flowers development. I'm starting this with the strong HO T5 to quickly burned the scales and lets see where this will lead us.  Previously I've tried tanning local marulioides with no success. But that was before I discovered that they need to be parked at neutral co

Terengganu water sampling and new collection

The water of Terengganu peat swamp is amazingly soft, the measurement was taken in the monsoon season where the water is generally high. In the dry season the PH should be much lower and the water much darker in tannin.  TDS at 36ppm, in case you wanna know, Kuala Lumpur tap water is between TDS 50ppm - 70ppm. You will need to run an RO unit to achieve the natural TDS. Electric Conductivity is at 74us/cm, EC determines the inorganic dissolved solids examples: NO3, Fe, mg and so on. The reading for natural swamp should be in this range unless there are farming or industrial activity in the surrounding area. Tap water ec is around 60 - 90us/cm. PH is on the high side for black/peat swamp, most probably due to monsoon. Next year dry season will do another round of test to determine the average PH. Some of the Marulioides that did not survive, take note that not all Terengganu's are 9 or 11 bands.   Captured fries Different batch Anothe